Bush Knife The Rise recruits an All Star Team
The Rise of Bush Knife Bobby
Seems to be grabbing attention not only in South Africa but also internationally.
With three America actors/actress's Joel Stephens, Donna Brook and Emily Browning joining the cast, it seems bush knife bobby is destined for greatness.
Seems to be grabbing attention not only in South Africa but also internationally.
With three America actors/actress's Joel Stephens, Donna Brook and Emily Browning joining the cast, it seems bush knife bobby is destined for greatness.
New comer, Director Renaldo Kell and Producer Bruce Gounder are trying to change the image of an icon hero into a darker and gritty feel.
No more are the days of PG ratings this is gonna be for a mature audience. Rediscovering the origins that brought us a legend, Bush Knife Bobby.
Releasing in 2015.
Releasing in 2015.
Starring Bruce Gounder, Ryan Mayne, Joel Stephens, Donna Brook and Emily Browning.
Produced by Bruce Gounding and Vischal Singh
Directed and Written by Renaldo Kell
Produced by Bruce Gounding and Vischal Singh
Directed and Written by Renaldo Kell
2014. All Rights Reserved. Bravospan.